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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 story, plural: stories n (fictional tale)SCSimplified Chinese 故事 gù shì TCTraditional Chinese 故事   SCSimplified Chinese 小说 gù shì,xiǎo shuō TCTraditional Chinese 小說  That author writes wonderful stories.  那位作者写的故事非常好看。 story, plural: stories n (narrative account)SCSimplified Chinese 故事 gù shì TCTraditional Chinese 故事  Granny, tell us the story of how you met Grandpa.  奶奶,给我们讲个故事,说说你和爷爷是怎么认识的。 story, plural: stories n (version of events)SCSimplified Chinese 讲述 jiǎng shù TCTraditional Chinese 講述   SCSimplified Chinese 报导 jiǎng shù,bào dǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 报导 jiǎng shù,bào dǎo  Her story is different from mine.  她的说法和我的不一样。 story n (plot)SCSimplified Chinese 故事情节 gù shì qíng jié TCTraditional Chinese 故事情節   SCSimplified Chinese 情节 gù shì qíng jié ,qíng jié TCTraditional Chinese 情節  This book has a great story.  这本书的故事情节扣人心弦。 story, plural: stories n informal (lie) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 谎言,谎话 huǎng yán,huǎng huà TCTraditional Chinese 謊言  The mischievous children told their parents a story.  淘气的孩子们向自己的父母撒了谎。 story, plural: stories (US), storey, plural: storeys (UK) n (floor, level of a building)SCSimplified Chinese 楼层 lóu céng   SCSimplified Chinese 层,楼 céng TCTraditional Chinese 層,樓  This building has five stories.  这栋楼有六层。 story, plural: stories (US), storey, plural: storeys (UK) n (layer, tier)SCSimplified Chinese 层 céng TCTraditional Chinese 層   SCSimplified Chinese 分层 céng,fēn céng  Their wedding cake had five stories.  他们的婚宴蛋糕有五层。 story, plural: stories n (journalism: article) (新闻术语)SCSimplified Chinese 报道 bào dào TCTraditional Chinese 報道  Jillian is hoping for a big story.  吉利安希望能做个大报道。 -story (US), -storey (UK) n as adj as suffix (storied: with a given number of floors)SCSimplified Chinese …层的 备注: Used in combination with a number. Locals objected to the proposed construction of a 20-storey building in the city centre.  当地居民反对在市中心修建一栋20层建筑的提议。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 -story (US), -storey (UK) n as adj as suffix (with a given number of tiers, layers)SCSimplified Chinese …层   SCSimplified Chinese …楼 备注: Used in combination with a number. They had a five-story cake at their wedding.  他们的婚礼有个5层的大蛋糕。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:story | storey英语中文 adventure story n (fiction with exciting plot)SCSimplified Chinese 冒险故事 mào xiǎn gù shì TCTraditional Chinese 冒險故事  When I was a child I wanted to be a pirate like the ones I read about in adventure stories. as the story goes expr (as has been said)SCSimplified Chinese 据说 jù shuō TCTraditional Chinese 據說  As the story goes, Hector was out of town when the bank was robbed. backstory, back story n (fiction: character's background)SCSimplified Chinese 背景故事 bedtime story n (story read to a child before sleep)SCSimplified Chinese 睡前故事 shuì qián gù shì  The children begged their father to read them a bedtime story. cock-and-bull story, cock and bull story n figurative, informal (far-fetched account)SCSimplified Chinese 无稽之谈 wú jī zhī tán TCTraditional Chinese 無稽之談   SCSimplified Chinese 荒唐的解释 coming-of-age story n (novel, film: child becomes adult) (小说、电影)SCSimplified Chinese 成长故事 cover story n (magazine: story on front page) (杂志)SCSimplified Chinese 封面故事 cover story n (fiction concealing true purpose)SCSimplified Chinese 掩人耳目的说法 detective story n (story about crime investigation)SCSimplified Chinese 侦探小说 zhēn tàn xiǎo shuō TCTraditional Chinese 偵探小說   SCSimplified Chinese 罪案故事 fairy tale, fairy story n (fantasy story)SCSimplified Chinese 童话 tóng huà   SCSimplified Chinese 神话 tóng huà,shén huà TCTraditional Chinese 神話  The movie is a modern adaptation of a classic fairy tale.  这部电影是经典童话故事的现代改编版。 familiar story n (common situation)SCSimplified Chinese 寻常情况   SCSimplified Chinese 寻常现象  It's a familiar story; she came to New York to be a star on Broadway and ended up on the streets. fish story n figurative, informal (far-fetched account)SCSimplified Chinese 夸张的故事   SCSimplified Chinese 吹牛故事 funny story n (amusing anecdote, joke)SCSimplified Chinese 幽默故事  He told us a funny story about his holiday in Thailand. ghost story n (tale of the supernatural)SCSimplified Chinese 鬼故事  They sat around the fire and told ghost stories to each other. good story n (entertaining account, anecdote)SCSimplified Chinese 趣闻 qù wén   SCSimplified Chinese 有意思的事情 qù wén,yǒu yì si de shì qíng  It wasn't much fun when it happened, but it makes a good story now. good story n (good piece of fiction)SCSimplified Chinese 有趣的故事 yǒu qù de gù shì   SCSimplified Chinese 好故事 yǒu qù de gù shì,hǎo gù shì  I read a good story by Carol Shields last week. hard-luck story n (account of [sb]'s misfortune)SCSimplified Chinese 不幸的遭遇   SCSimplified Chinese 倒霉的经历  The man told us a hard-luck story, before asking us for money. horror story n (scary story, film, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 恐怖故事   SCSimplified Chinese 恐怖电影 human interest story n (news item about people's lives)SCSimplified Chinese 充满人情味的新闻报道  It's a human interest story about a boy who successfully battled against cancer. life story n ([sb]'s past experiences and history)SCSimplified Chinese 生平 TCTraditional Chinese 生平   SCSimplified Chinese 生活经历 shēng huó jīng lì a likely story n informal, ironic (dubious account) (非正式用语,讽刺意味)SCSimplified Chinese 似是而非的说法,说得像真的一样 sì shì ér fēi de shuō fǎ,shuō de xiàng zhēn de yí yàng  Are you telling me you never heard the phone? That's a likely story! love story n (story about a romantic relationship)SCSimplified Chinese 爱情故事 ài qíng gù shì TCTraditional Chinese 愛情故事   SCSimplified Chinese 言情故事 ài qíng gù shì,yán qíng gù shì moral of the story n (ethical lesson in a fable or story)SCSimplified Chinese 故事的寓意 gù shì de yù yì  In the tale of the tortoise and the hare, the slow tortoise wins the race - the moral of the story is that steady persistence wins in the end. moral of the story n figurative (lesson to be learned from [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 经验教训 jīng yàn jiāo xùn TCTraditional Chinese 經驗教訓  The engine blew up after a week so the moral of the story is not to buy a really cheap second-hand car. multi-story (US), multi-storey (UK) n as adj (building: with levels) (建筑)SCSimplified Chinese 多层的 duō céng de TCTraditional Chinese 多層的 news story (news report)SCSimplified Chinese 新闻故事 TCTraditional Chinese 新聞故事   SCSimplified Chinese 新闻报导 xīn wén bào dǎo shaggy dog story n figurative, informal (long wordy anecdote)SCSimplified Chinese 冗长无趣的笑话 short story n (written fiction shorter than a novella)SCSimplified Chinese 短篇小说 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō TCTraditional Chinese 短篇小說  He wrote short stories about people living in rural areas.  他撰写关于生活在农村地区人民的短篇小说。 short story writer, short-story writer n (author of short fiction)SCSimplified Chinese 短篇小说作家 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō zuò jiā  Edgar Allan Poe was a famous 19th-century American short story writer. single-story (US), single-storey (UK) adj (building: having one level, floor) (建筑)SCSimplified Chinese 单层的 sob story n informal (tale or account meant to evoke pity)SCSimplified Chinese (为引起同情而讲述的)让人感伤的故事 wèi yǐn qǐ tóng qíng ér jiǎng shù de ràng rén gǎn shāng de gù shì  Just get on with your job – I don't want to hear any more of your sob stories. story writer n (author of prose fiction)SCSimplified Chinese 小说作家 xiǎo shuō zuò jiā TCTraditional Chinese 小說作家  I want to be a story writer when I grow up. storyline, story line, story-line n (fiction: plot, story) (小说)SCSimplified Chinese 故事大纲,故事梗概,主要布局 gù shì dà gāng,gù shì gěng gài,zhǔ yào bù jú  I found the storyline of “War and Peace” really difficult to follow. success story n figurative (real-life example of [sb] succeeding)SCSimplified Chinese 成名史 tall story n figurative, informal (far-fetched account)SCSimplified Chinese 难以置信的故事   SCSimplified Chinese 无稽之谈 wú jī zhī tán TCTraditional Chinese 無稽之談 tall tale, tall story n figurative, informal (far-fetched story)SCSimplified Chinese 大话 dà huà   SCSimplified Chinese 吹牛 dà huà,chuī niú  I don't want to hear any of your tall tales about being abducted by aliens on your way to school. tell a story v expr (recite a narrative)SCSimplified Chinese 讲个故事 jiǎng gè gù shì TCTraditional Chinese 講個故事  The children asked their grandfather to tell them a story. tell a story v expr figurative (reflect events)SCSimplified Chinese 讲个故事 jiǎng gè gù shì TCTraditional Chinese 講個故事  Every picture tells a story. that's a different story interj informal (quite the contrary)SCSimplified Chinese 那又是另一回事了 nà yòu shì lìng yì huí shì le  Singing pop is pretty easy, but singing opera – well, that's a different story! the whole story n (the full truth)SCSimplified Chinese 全部情况 quán bù qíng kuàng  We'll never know the whole story about what she did that night. three-story apartment (US), three-storey apartment (UK) n (flat with three floors)SCSimplified Chinese 三层的公寓 sān céng de gōng yù top story n (headline news item)SCSimplified Chinese 头条新闻 tóu tiáo xīn wén true story n (account of a real-life experience)SCSimplified Chinese 真实故事   SCSimplified Chinese 真实事件 two-story (US), two-storey (UK) n as adj (building: having two floors)SCSimplified Chinese 两层的 upper story, plural: upper stories (US), upper storey, plural: upper storeys (UK) n (building: higher floor) (建筑物)SCSimplified Chinese 上层,较高层 TCTraditional Chinese 上層   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: story [ˈstɔːrɪ] n [c] 1 (=account) 描述 miáoshù [种 zhǒng] I told her the story of my life.我向她描述了我的生活。 Wǒ xiàng tā miáoshùle wǒ de shēnghuó. the story of the women's movement in Ireland对(對)于(於)爱(愛)尔(爾)兰(蘭)妇(婦)女运(運)动(動)的描述 duìyú Ài'ěrlán fùnǚ yùndòng de miáoshù 2 (=tale) 故事 gùshi [个 gè] a ghost story一个(個)鬼故事 yī gè guǐgùshi 3 (in newspaper, on news broadcast) 报(報)道 bàodào [条 tiáo] Those are some of the top stories in the news.那些是新闻(聞)中最重要的报(報)道。 Nàxiē shì xīnwén zhōng zuì zhòngyào de bàodào. 4 (=lie) 谎(謊)话(話) huǎnghuà He invented some story about a friend.他编(編)造了个(個)有关(關)一个(個)朋友的谎(謊)话(話)。 Tā biānzàole gè yǒuguān yī gè péngyou de huǎnghuà. 5 (US) [of building] = storey it's a different story 那是另一回事 nà shì lìng yī huí shì the (same) old story 老一套 lǎo yī tào that's only part of or not the whole story那不是事实(實)的全部 nà bùshì shìshí de quánbù my side of the story我的叙(敘)述 wǒ de xùshù storey, (US) story[ˈstɔːrɪ] n [c] 层(層) céng 在这些条目还发现'story': 在英文解释里: action hero - adapt - adapted from - Aesop - afterword - allegory - anecdote - apartment - autobiographer - autobiographical - autobiography - bedtime story - bio - biographer - biographic - biography - boy-meets-girl - canard - catchline - chiller - cover story - craft - deal - detective story - distorted - embellished - epic - epic tale - episodic - fable - fairy tale - fake - fiction - filler - flash fiction - flat - folk tale - get darker - grace note - happy ending - high-rise - Homeric - horror story - humorous - installment - joke - legend - love interest - love story - moral of the story 中文: 故事 - 事迹 - 寓意 - 往事 - 楼房 - 炒冷饭 - 生平 - 短篇小说 - 童话 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Things that are read, The Media, 更多……同义词: narrative, tale, novel, parable, legend, 更多……习惯性搭配: a [true, romantic, sad, short, funny] story, read a story book (to), a [bedtime, children's, kids'] story, 更多……

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Based on a True Story story of the wolf and the lamb The story is classic Laurene Jobs __ hearing the funny story, everyone can't help laughing. - English Only forum of my favorite movies, named 'Sad Story'. - English Only forum ...was a United States short-story writer, well known for his descriptions... - English Only forum 'Now waited' in a past tense story. - English Only forum 'Past-present' story - English Only forum 'plot', 'story', 'storyline' in reference to paintings - English Only forum (the?) Paul Auster's story - English Only forum (this time VS that time) when writing/telling a story - English Only forum [fits into] a broader story - English Only forum 8 story high screen - English Only forum a ‘twist in the tail’ like the playful reverse of a traditional short story - English Only forum A 3rd-century text [word?] an older story about the creation - English Only forum a Beltway story period - English Only forum a casual love story - English Only forum A Catholic Story VS A Catholic's Story - English Only forum A character in a story - English Only forum A Chinese wild west story not involving guns, but train-earned super powers - English Only forum A comic story - English Only forum a common story writ large - English Only forum A cover story - English Only forum A fabulous story was told to me. - English Only forum A ghost story For Now (for now...) - English Only forum a good improbable story - English Only forum a jacked-up story - English Only forum A just-like story - English Only forum a kind of interesting story - English Only forum a likely tale or story - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'story'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "story" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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